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Real Estate Investing Morning Show ( REI Investment in Canada )

Dec 27, 2019

A follow-up segment to my interview with Carolin Ricciardi. She dives deeper into how to make the transition from being an employee into a full time entrepreneur.

Dec 23, 2019

Conversation between Gabrielle and I about where our business is at in December and our goals going into 2020. We discussed our coaching with Jared and Krista Hope and how we’ve pumped the brakes on our business to further strengthen our relationship and marriage as we continue to aggressively grow our real estate...

Dec 20, 2019

At the end of this episode you will NOT have everything you need to know to become a sophisticated Real Estate Investor. But I am going to give you the first three steps to get started and we’ll go from there. If you’re serious about becoming an Investor, start with this episode.

Dec 17, 2019

Being a parent and a real estate investor is no easy task. It's all about focus and routines. Listen to how Gabrielle Hillier, aka Real Estate Investor Mama, integrates her life as a mom with her business. (Edmonton, Canada)

Dec 6, 2019

In this episode I had the pleasure of interviewing Adam Morris of Copperblock Capital. For those of you who may not know him, he’s a Real Estate Investor in Edmonton committed to creating sustainable housing using eco-friendly and renewable materials. His infill projects have gotten a lot of attention for his unique...