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Real Estate Investing Morning Show ( REI Investment in Canada )

Jul 27, 2020

Matt McKeever is a very successful investor in London Ontario. He also has the best YouTube channel for Canadian Real Estate Investing content. We touched on a lot of things including househacking, wholesaling, scaling and one of my favourite topics, the FIRE Movement.

Jul 24, 2020

No one ever warns you about working with your spouse when you start your own business or investing in real estate. Here's a few tips to ensure your business doesn't end up ruining your relationship.


Jul 17, 2020

An incredible interview with Ben Humble. It's hard to narrow down one or two topics that were covered. The best way it can be described is everything you need to know to create a successful mindset all while living a healthy fulfilled life.

Jul 15, 2020

In this episode Wayne shares his #1 tip for investors when it comes to preparing yourself for court hearings.

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Jul 10, 2020

In this episode Wayne shares a recent experience where a tenant noticed the gutters weren’t draining properly. This could have been a very costly repair if it was left unresolved. It’s very rare for tenants to go out of their way to inform the owners of something like this. It’s important to reward your tenants...