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Real Estate Investing Morning Show ( REI Investment in Canada )

Mar 29, 2020

Brian Banks from Freedomvest Properties shares his tips on Success Mindset.

Mar 27, 2020

We sat down with Barry and Donna McGuire to talk about growing your business with your spouse. The perfect role models! We also talked about their expertise, Creative Real Estate Strategies. Agreement For Sales, Lease Options, Assignments, Options, Wholesaling and Joint Ventures, we covered them all.

Mar 25, 2020

Gabby and I give an update on our business for March 2020. We've been dealing with a couple complicated acquisitions through February. We're also adapting to our new routine of having our daughter home from school.

Mar 19, 2020

Wayne and Gabrielle sat down to discuss how their business is currently being affected. Investor parents dealing with children at home, tenants not being able to pay rent and what this really means for your long term investments.

Mar 16, 2020

I thought it would be important to share my thoughts after the announcement that all Alberta schools and daycares were shutting down. How is this going to affect your business? Are you prepared?